Shrek 4D
(May 23 2003 - present)

where the first Shrek movie left off (and providing
a handy transition into Shrek 2) this exciting "4D"
movie is beautifully themed.

The preshow sequence
sets up the show, introduces the characters for those
who've not seen the film (is there anyone left who
hasn't?) and sets the location deep inside Farquad's

The Three Little Pigs and Pinocchio are trapped in boxes. We can see the pigs' eyes and as they wriggle and speak, we can see their boxes move! Then the Magic Mirror updates us on what's been happening since the first movie.
The attraction was constructed in 2003 in the former Panasonic Theater which used to house the Star Trek Adventure and many other shows over the years.
How does our
3D vision work?
We see in three dimensions
because we have two eyes. The brain is able to process
the two slightly different images from our left and
right eyes, and extracts "3D" information
necessary to enable us to move around the world without
bumping into things.
How does the
3D movie work?
To reproduce the effect
of seeing in 3D, the show designers had to be able
to control what our left eye sees, and keep it separate
from what our right eye sees. Two projectors are
used to project the "left eye" image which
is projected through a special filter called a polarising
lens. The special "3D glasses" we wear
when we see the film has a similar filter, so only
our left eye sees the image that's meant for it.
Another pair of projectors project the "right
eye image" so that it overlays the left eye
image. Pairs of projectors are used In order to make
the image bright enough. The projectors used are
latest-technology digital "DLP" projectors
which are extremely high quality. Unlike Terminator
2:3D, there is no film involved in the Shrek movie.
The movie is stored digitally, and replayed direct
from hard disk. It's the first fully digital theme
park attraction - picture quality remains as good
as the day the attraction opened. The projectors
are much more expensive than the 70mm film projectors
on Terminator 2:3D, but there is NO film replacement
cost. When the Terminator movie print wears out or
is scratched, it must be replaced at a massive reprinting
Where can I see
the movie again?
The Shrek 3D movie (without
any preshow or "4D" elements) can be seen
on a special bonus DVD available with some copies
of Shrek 2. It comes with coloured lens 3D glasses
which reproduce the 3D effect on your home TV set.
The effect is much better, of course, at the park.

Shrek 4D exterior (the Panasonic Theater). The
block at the left of the building is the stage. The
queue line goes around the back of the stage, with
the preshow happening beside the auditorium on the
far side of the theatre.
to Theme Park Attractions