The Crystal Maze (1990 - 1995)
Creator: Lloyd Bettell-Higgins, Simon Tayler, David Bodycombe, Bob Thorne, Adam Howarth
Cast: Edward Tudor-Pole, Richard O'Brien and Sandra Caron
IMDb page about The Crystal Maze
Studio(s): Shepperton Studios
H Stage at Shepperton was used for the first ?3 years of production, but the show moved to a disused hangar at North Weald Aerodrome in Essex when there was no room at Shepperton to expand into.
The facility was known as Aces High Studio. Each series took three months to prepare, five weeks to shoot, four months to edit and 14 weeks to screen (nearly an entire year).
First Episode:
A game show this complex generated some spectacular mistakes and some spectacularly daft contestants - these out-takes are from the original production team, and consist of the control gallery commentary as well as the production audio;