The Prisoner (1967-8)
Creator: Patrick McGoohan, Pat Jackson, Don Chaffey, David Tomblin
Cast: Patrick McGoohan, George Markstein, Angelo Muscat
IMDb page about The Prisoner
Studio(s): MGM Borehamwood
The Prisoner

1 - The Prisoner on the MGM Borehamwood Backlot

2 - Patrick McGoohan directs the final episode on one of the huge soundstages at MGM British Studios (courtesy Billy Casper)
The production famously did a lot of location shooting at Sir William Clough-Ellis' Portmeirion estate in North Wales, over the course of a year. Patrick McGoohan was inspired to use the estate after filming Danger Man episodes there.
MGM Borehamwood stages, including Stages 6 and 7, were used for interiors, and sometimes the MGM backlot village set was used as a stand-in for Portmeirion, to save travelling costs.
Photo below: Patrick McGoohan directs the final episode on one of the huge soundstages at MGM British Studios (courtesy Billy Casper)
More Information
- The Unmutual - A massive resource and community covering all aspects of the world of The Prisoner