Before riding
As the rollercoaster has such a fast launch, and due to the unique backwards motion, it's not possible to take bags of any kind onto the ride. High-tech free lockers (for an hour) are provided at the ride's entrance.
There's also a test seat which enables you to try out the restraints and to see if you'll fit into the ride vehicle seats comfortably (and safely).
The Warrior Mummies
The mummies that drop towards the ride vehicle as it accelerates weigh 450lb each.
A considerable amount of research into Egyptology was carried out at the British Museum to ensure that the theming of the Mummy's tomb is as accurate as possible. The Book of the Dead that can be seen as you first enter the indoors queue area is a prop from the movie, but all of the heiroglyphics around the ride building are authentic and often quite terrifying once translated!