During the manufacture and testing of this attraction, a number of mysterious accidents and incidents confirmed the fear of the crew - that the curse was indeed a real thing.
Have you suffered following your adventure into the Mummy's tomb? Contact us with them!
Curse stories: Christian Beana |
Thursday I was riding the Mummy and when it launches you in the beginning, it sucked my wallet right out of my pocket! I asked guest relations to look for it and at 9:30 that evening I got a call that they had found it (thank god) however, missing the $25 that was in it. Apparently the curse of the Mummy is that he takes your cash and leaves the plastic behind lol. 22 July 2006 |
Curse stories: John Murdy Attraction designer |
We consulted some of the world’s foremost Egyptologists on the project, had them translate parts of the Book of the Dead into English…that’s what the characters in the pre-show presentation are quoting from. When we were filming those scenes…some pretty weird stuff happened. Every time the actress who plays the Seer character said the word "Imhotep" there was a clap of thunder, and it was a cloudless day! We were in a sound stage and we could hear it through the walls. At one point a big 10k light just exploded out of nowhere. It was always when we said the word, “Imhotep” (and Imhotep was a real person in ancient Egypt…he was the pharaoh’s architect). I looked up at one point and there was a single light fixture swaying back and forth, right over my head…all of the other lights in the grid were perfectly still. I suppose there are dangers with trying to be too accurate. I started thinking…hmm, maybe I messed with something I should never have messed with! |
Curse Stories: Equipment problems |
Some people have experienced apparent equipment failure of the ride technology during their visit to the tomb. Digital projectors showing blue "No Signal" screens, warrior mummies not dropping, other parts of the attraction failing to operate correctly. This seems to happen despite a round-the-clock maintenance schedule. It's either faulty equipment, or something far more sinister and scary... what do YOU think?? |