Revenge of the Mummy™ - The Ride Vehicle
- The launch
The ride vehicle is launched by an electro-magnetic propulsion system, and linear induction motors drive the vehicle around the ride track.
- The ride tracks
The Revenge of the Mummy is the only indoor rollercoaster which uses both forward and backward motion. The tracks are filled with sand to reduce the noise created by the vehicles travelling around the cavernous show building.
- The ride vehicle
The ride vehicle is themed as a mine car, which was used for removing artifacts from the Mummy's Tomb.
the ride vehicle is in the loading position, it's
taking a few moments to recharge it's on-board power supply. The "ultracapacitors" which store the electrical charge have a greater current capacity than comparably sized batteries, but don't hold the charge as long, so need regularly recharging every time the vehicle returns to the loading position.
Forklift truck chargers are used to keep the capacitors topped up. The on-board power are used to supply the MP3
players which provide sound throughout the ride,
along with other system electronics and amplifiers.
dispatched, the vehicle pauses for a moment to allow the guests to notice the video "beetles" crawling on the wall, and to get in sync with the rest of the ride system. In order to gauge the weight of the vehicle, and therefore how much launch force is required, the vehicle is actually timed during launch. There are a number of sensors that calculate the rate of increase of speed at the moment of launch. The computer system which controls all aspects of the ride runs all of the first sets of linear induction motors (LIMs) at full power, but the control system uses the timing data to determine if the last set of LIMs will be used or not. All this happens literally in fractions of a second during the start of the launch. If too much force
is used when the vehicle is full of young (and lightweight)
guests, it will move too fast through the attraction.
If the vehicle is full of strapping (heavy) football
players, a much larger force is required to launch
- Audio
There are 200 strategically-placed speakers within the ride to blast you with 18,000 Watts of sound. Each individual ride vehicle is equipped with 22 surround sound speakers to ensure that the soundtrack is clearly heard by all riders. The Imhotep figure that appears in the ride was voiced by Arnold Vosloo who played the character in The Mummy and The Mummy Returns.
The music score was composed by Oscar-nominated musical composer Alan Silvestri, who created the score for "The Mummy Returns".
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Miami Vice in action - photo by Juerg Hindermann (reproduced with permission) from
Exploding mine cart (from 'Universal Studios Hollywood Guide', 1991)
Crockett and Tubbs in the speedboat (from 'Universal Studios Hollywood Guide', 1991)
1987 Newspaper advert for Miami Vice
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