The latest innovation in cinema and home entertainment, has been around since the early days of photography.
Creating 3D movies
There are two ways of producing 3D footage.
In-camera – this involves two lenses separated by a specific distance (known as the interocular distance) to produce the desired 3D effect in the circumstances of each shot
Post-production 3D conversion – a painstaking method involving digitally tracing (or ‘rotoscoping’) every element in every frame of the movie, that needs to be either in front of or behind the screen. Read more: FXGuide: The Art of Stereo Conversion (An excellent (and mind-bogglingly in-depth) article about the 3D conversion process.)
3D at the Cinema
There are broadly two methods for viewing 3-D movies in the cinema:
Anaglyptic Method
Polarisation Method
- Circular Polarisation
- Linear Polarisation
And in the home, there are three other methods:
- Active LCD Shutters
- Autostereoscopic
- Lenticular