This website aims to be a full and complete history of Universal Studios Hollywood, concentrating on the theme park and related attractions and shows, but also looking at elements of the workings of the movie studio that are featured in theme park attractions.
It does NOT aim to contain a complete list of movies or TV shows made at Universal Studios.
A considerable amount of work has gone into piecing information together from various sources, and all information is believed to be accurate. However, if you do find errors or can add to the site, please email us.
Many of the current photos of the theme park and movie studio were taken especially for this site. These images are all copyright Various other images were taken (with permission) from other websites, and they remain the copyright of the original photographer or publisher. Every effort has been made to credit the photographer correctly. Additional photos have been taken from Universal Studios publicity material over the years, much of which is rare and not publicly available from any other source. Again, the source of the material is credited at all times.
The bulk of the text describing the attractions, rides and other aspects of the theme park and studio are written by Jon Primrose at and copyright is retained by him as the author. Text from other sources is credited accordingly.
Reproduction of this material on any other website or in any other form is not permitted except by prior agreement.
The rights of the original copyright holder remains intact at all times. If you have any reason to object to use of your material on this site for which you've not given permission, please contact us immediately.
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